The Emilia Romagna region has many famous coastal resorts along the Adriatic coast, as well as countless opportunities for sports and leisure activities at sea or on the beach, such as windsurfing, sailing, snorkeling, swimming and diving; all of which combine to make for a fun-filled holiday that offers something for the whole family. Book your holiday rentals in Italy on the Emilia Romagna coast online today!
Self-catering holiday rentals in Italy by NOVASOL
NOVASOL is proud to offer a great selection of self-catering accommodation in Italy, including luxurious villas and compact apartments. This is also true along the Emilia Romagna coastline. You can view our whole range online, narrow your search criteria and find the right holiday home to suit your needs.
Activities to enjoy during your holiday on the coast of Emilia Romagna
The Emilia Romagna coast is visited by a wide range of holiday makers as there is osmething on offer for just about everyone. From beautiful beaches to quaint towns, rich culture to delicious Italian cuisine - you would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't find something to love about the Emilia Romagna Coast during their stay in one of our holiday rentals in Italy. Popular water sports include windsurfing, scuba diving, sailing, snorkeling and swimming. On the beaches on the Emilia Romagna coast you can play beach volleyball, basketball and much more.
Things to do from your holiday rentals in Emilia Romagna
After a day of sun and sea, many seaside villages in Emilia Romagna offer a rich entertainment program in the evenings. Enjoy local cuisine in the local restaurants, and dance until dawn in the famous discos frequented by international DJs. Whilst on holiday in our Italy holiday rentals you will probably find that you want to take things at a slower pace than usual, slowing down to savour the little things in life.
Culinary specialties on the coast of Emilia Romagna
As with most places in Italy, food is an integral part of the Italian culture. The cuisine of the Emilia Romagna region consists of numerous delicious dishes and specialties. Try the local cheeses, wine, bread and, of course, Piadina - an Italian flat bread that is combined with meat, sausage, cheese, vegetables. Or, for those of you with a sweet tooth - why not try it filled with Nutella or homemade jam. You can of course try these local delicacies at one of many great restaurants, or take full advantage of the benefits of choosing self-catering accommodation and prepare your own version at home!during a restaurant visit or prepare them yourself in the holiday home.
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21 Sept•9 nights