Just northwest of Catalonia is a series of particularly valuable religious buildings included in the list of World Heritage by UNESCO. They are located in a narrow, valley of the province of Lleida on the edge of the Pyrenees. Not only incredibly beautiful and steeped in nature, this romantic valley is dotted with Catalan Romanesque churches. Nature, culture and history lovers are recommended to visit on an excursion during a holiday in one of NOVASOL’s Catalonian villas in Spain. The churches date from the 11th-12th Century and many of them have been used since their completion for worship.
he nine churches of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage: Sant Climent and Santa Maria in Taüll, Sant Feliu in Barruera, Sant Joan in BoÃ, Santa Eulà lia in Erill la Vall, Santa Maria de l'Assumpció de Cóll, Santa Maria de Cardet, la Mare de Deu Nativitat de la in Durro, and the hermitage of Sant Quirc near Durros. The largest and best preserved church of Vall de Boi is the church of Sant Climent de Taüll, where you can marvel at the six-storey bell tower! The portrait of Christ from the main apse is preserved today as one of the masterpieces of the Romanesque Master of Taüll in Barcelona. Some of the wonderfully rich frescoes from Santa Maria de Taüll are also exhibited at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, which you can visit from our Spain villas.
Nowhere in Europe is there such a high density of churches in such good condition that have survived this long. Political turmoil rarely reached the high mountainous area, meaning the buildings were safe from the threat of damage during war. Large deposits of silver also made the region rich, so this wealth was used for the building of churches. Admire during your stay at self-catering villas in Catalonia the intricate stone carvings, the masterful frescoes and elegant spires! The churches were built in the then emerging, modern Romanesque style, which makes the architecture of these buildings also very impressive. Common characteristics are thick walls and pillars, semi-circular arches, and big towers.
The capital of the valley is Barruera, where you will find Sant Feliu Church amongst other Romanesque ruins. At the church, two Gothic chapels were added in the 16th century, which make a wonderful photo opportunity. Due to its strategic location, numerous castles can also be found. You can also venture from your Spain holiday rentals on an adventurous expedition along the river Noguera de Tor! For an incredible view, visit the Church of Santa Maria de Cardet, which is on a ledge at the entrance of the valley, or the hermitage of Sant Quirc, which is also located on a ledge near Durro.
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